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Laying a wreath on Remembrance Day in Dartmouth Park

I was honoured to lay a wreath on Remembrance Sunday at the West Bromwich War Memorial in Dartmouth Park.

We paid our respects to all those who fought and died for our freedom, and gave thanks for our brave service men and women in our armed forces today who sacrifice so much to keep us safe.

I remembered too the 58 civilians in West Bromwich who were killed by air raids during the Second World War. Their deaths are not just a tragedy but a reminder that there is no safety in wartime - a lesson which is being demonstrated so devastatingly by the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. Keir Starmer has reiterated Labour’s unrelenting support for Ukrainian sovereignty. We must remain united in the face of Russian aggression.

The words carved on the War Memorial read “their name liveth for evermore”. We will remember them.

Promoted by Laura Rollins on behalf of Sarah Coombes both at Unit 130059, PO Box 15113, Birmingham, B2 2NJ. Privacy policy available here. Thanks to Gary Hurdman, of the Great Barr Photographic Society, for the photos.

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