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Taking part in George Salter’s careers day

Was great to take part in the George Salter Academy careers day and speak to so many enthusiastic young students from West Bromwich about careers in politics and how brilliant it is to have a job that helps change lives every day. I met some future politicians I'm sure!

One of the biggest problems we face locally is that half of children in Sandwell are leaving school without the qualifications to get to university, college or an apprenticeship. That’s not right and is one of the key things I will campaign on if selected as our Parliamentary candidate.

The last time I visited George Salter was with the Albion Foundation in 2018 with the then MP Tom Watson. I was very glad to see the school and pupils thriving 5 years on.

Promoted by Laura Rollins on behalf of Sarah Coombes both at Unit 130059, PO Box 15113, Birmingham, B2 2NJ. Privacy policy available here. Thanks to Gary Hurdman, of the Great Barr Photographic Society, for the photos.

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